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Biaya Kuliah di PTN itu Murah Banget, Benarkah?

PTN menerima sedikitnya Rp.,- 

Biaya Pendaftaran SBMPTN 2018-2019


Biaya adalah sejumlah pengorbanan sumber-sumber ekonomi yang tumbalnya selalu saja uang, baik itu secara langsung atau tidak. Barangkali tidak salah mengapa setiap tahun ajaran baru beberapa diantara kita dipusingkan oleh uang ini dan uang itu, ya uang masuk sekolah atau uang masuk kuliah. Bahkan sudah menjadi budaya di perbagai belahan bumi ini, mulai dari sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah bahkan sekolah-sekolah tinggi hampir tidak ada yang tidak membutuhkan biaya.

Bahkan sebelum membayar biaya-biaya lain-lain, orangtua calon siswa dan mahasiswa dipusingkan oleh biaya sumbangan, padahal didalam institusi pendidikan itu berisi orang-orang yang berpendidikan dan berpenghasilan, tetap saja menunggu sumbangan. Sumbangan yang kita kenal selama ini tidak dipatok jumlahnya, itu tidak berlaku kalau sumbangan untuk pendidikan. Nilainya pun tidak standar, mulai dari puluhan ribu sampai ratusan juta.

Pendidikan pada akhirnya menjadi sumber pendapatan baru bagi pemerintah dan swasta, kita bisa lihat berapa yang diperoleh sebuah universitas saat penerimaan uang pendaftaran dari calon mahasiswa baru. Kalau SNMPTN itu dulu gratis dan yang didaftar hanya setengahnya saja. Sisanya harus mengikuti SBMPTN atau UMPTN, banyak yang bilang dari dua kanal inilah sumber biaya pendidikan mereka yang lulus SNMPTN (katanya sih ... GRATIS).

Asumsikan saja yang tidak lulus dari SNMPTN itu 400.000 orang, ditambah 500.000 orang yang tidak didaftar ke SNMPTN, ya ... 900.000 orang. Dari jumlah itu anggap saja 80% yang mendaftar lebih kurang ada 720.000 orang mendaftar ke Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, kalau biaya pendaftaran masing-masing Rp. 200.000 maka jumlah uang pendaftaran yang diterima perguruan tinggi negeri adalah Rp.,- padahal hanya 30% dari mereka yang lulus.

Yang tidak lulus SBMPTN, sudah pasti mengejar UMPTN. Tentunya mereka kembali mengeluarkan sejumlah uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penerimaan mahasiswa baru jalur berikutnya. Bagi yang lulus kembali harus siap dengan sejumlah uang sumbangan gedung, biaya pengembangan pendidikan, biaya semester, biaya ujian, biaya seminar-seminar, biaya paktek, yang kita tahu jumlah bukanlah sedikit, citra perguruan tinggi negeri memang bikin masyarakat berduyun-duyun demi kebanggaan keluarga, sanak famili, tetangga dan sebagainya.

Belum cukup sampai disitu saja, per November 2017 jumlah pengangguran di tingkat sarjana yang tercatat di adalah 600.000 orang. Kalaulah pendidikan tinggi itu dibuat untuk mensejahterakan banyak orang, apakah mungkin 160.000.00 warga Indonesia berpenghasilan rata-rata hanya Rp 400.000 perbulan? ya !!! Dua Ratus Sebelas Ribu Rupiah

Biaya kuliah ditentukan oleh tingkat penghasilan orangtua, mulai dari Rp 0,- sampai Rp 7.000.000,-  per semester (lihat biaya kuliah di Universitas Pajajaran Bandung, KLIK DISINI), Sumbangan gedung berkisar antara Rp 5.000.000 sampai Rp 400.000.000, misalkan kalau penghasilan orangtua Rp. 1.500.000,- maka uang kuliahnya Rp. 500.000,- biaya makan, kost, transport, photocopy, buku-buku, dan lain-lain siapa yang tanggung?

Biaya yang keluar begitu besarnya, begitu lulus yang dibawa pulang hanya selembar IJAZAH saja, kapan semua ini bisa berakhir?

Apakah Perguruan Tinggi itu?

Pepatah lama mengatakan "Tak kenal maka tak sayang", kalimat ini begitu sederhana namun memiliki makna yang dalam bagi yang biasa mengucapkannya. Bagi generasi "Jaman Now" barangkali kalimat itu dianggap sudah tidak tepat lagi, dinamika sosial masyarakat kita sudah banyak yang berubah. 

Padahal kalau satu-satu dari generasi zaman now itu ditanya, "maukah kalian kehilangan sesuatu yang bernilai?". Barangkali satu atau dua orang saja yang menjawab "YA", itupun biar dia kelihatan lebih lucu dari yang lain.

Sayang seribu kali sayang, karena mereka sendiri tidak tau arti jawabannya. Bagaimana dengan anda? Siapkah anda menjalani sesuatu yang anda sendiri tidak mengerti? Tentu mengenal sesuatu lebih dulu adalah lebih baik dari pada menerimanya mentah-mentah.

Kita kembali ke judul tulisan ini, "Apakah Perguruan Tinggi itu?". Ya, bagi anda yang sudah tau, namun bagi yang belum tahu penting bagi anda untuk menyelesaikan membaca tulisan ini. Barangkali suatu saat nanti bermanfaat bagi anak cucu, kerabat bahkan mungkin juga saudara.

Apakah Perguruan Tinggi itu?
Dalam bahasa sederhana kita telah sering mendengar kata pendidikan dasar, pendidikan menengah dan pendidikan tinggi. Tapi mengapa kita tidak pernah mendengar perguruan dasar, perguruan menengah, sementara perguruan tinggi sudah biasa diucapkan oleh banyak orang. 

Perguruan tinggi dilihat dari bidang keilmuan yang diselenggarakan dapat dibedakan atas 3 jenis antara lain 1). Pendidikan Akademik, 2). Pendidikan Vokasi dan 3). Pendidikan Profesi (Spesialis). 

Sistem pendidikan tinggi yang menitik beratkan kepada pengembangan dan penguasaan ilmu pendidikan, teknologi dan seni tertentu ini disebut Pendidikan Akademik. didalam sistem Pendidikan Akademik terdapat program pendidikan Jenjang Sarjana, Jenjang Magister dan Jenjang Doktor. 

Pakaian Perempuan Muslim

Kuliah Program Administrasi Bisnis, Dijamin Kerja 100%

Biaya Kembali Bila Setelah Lulus Tidak Bekerja.

Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) seperti yg kita ketahui, sebentar lagi (31 Des 2015) diterapkan diseluruh Negara ASEAN (dampak AFTA DAN CAFTA) artinya, tenaga kerja terdidik dan terampil diseluruh Negara tersebut dapat bekerja dimana saja sesuai keinginannya dan yang membutuhkan. Tidak lagi ada hambatan dengan regulasi yang rumit. Hal ini berdampak lulusan pendidikan dan pencari kerja harus mempersiapkan diri menjadi tenaga terdidik dan terampil sesuai profesionalitasnya agar dapat bersaing dengan tenaga kerja local dan asing untuk memperoleh pekerjaan yang layak. Apakah tenaga kerja ataupun lulusan dari sekolah pendidikan tertentu sudah siap menghadapinya? Bagaimana pembuktiannya bahwa kita adalah tenaga terampil & terdidik? Melalui LP3I, kami siap membantu lulusan SMA/K/MA untuk bisa menjadi tenaga terdidik dan terampil yang professional dibidangnya.

Pendaftaran dan Registrasi
Hubungi Bapak Mondana MA
HP: 0813 94002445

Tell you exacly who makes good travel nurses

On some levels working as a professional travel nurse looks likes the ideal job. It provides nurses with an opportunity to live and work in different parts of the country. They can interact with new people. Travel nurses pull in an excellent salary. They make friends all over the country. They can move south in the winter, and north in the summer. If they feel like taking a few months off, they don't have to worry about explaining things to their bosses; they just give themselves a few months to improve their mental health before they accept a new assignment. Travel nurses claim that their jobs give them an opportunity to re-establish their patient focused medicine. Nurses have excellent medical and dental benefits. Who wouldn't want to be a travel nurse?

The reality is that not every person who comes out of a nursing program is not suitable for a career as a travel nurse.

When you are considering a life as a travel nurse you have to ask yourself if you really like to travel. The life of a travel nurse is serious, hard core traveling. Travel nurses are constantly on the move, going from one state to another, taking assignment after assignment. All the moving around eventually takes a toll on the body and soul.

 Bear in mind that travel nurses are working, this is not an extended family vacation, and they aren't back packing across Europe. While they are on an assignment travel nurses are on a schedule. They are expected to report to work, on time, at the beginning of each one of their shifts. While they are working they are dealing with sick and injured people. They are expected to give one hundred and ten percent of themselves while they are working. Travel nurses go away to work, not to party.

Do you have an easy time making new friends? Travel nurses are constantly going to cities and towns where they are strangers. They don't know anyone in these places. In order for their experience to be positive they have to have a talent for turning complete strangers into close friends.

Nurses that have a significant other may have a hard time adjusting to life as a travel nurse. Unless the significant other is able to travel from one location to another it is difficult to stay together as a couple. One circumstance when travel nursing does work when a couple decides to work in tandem and are able to find nursing assignments in the same hospitals and medical facility's.

Before you sign with a nursing agency decide if you can tolerate moving away from your family, friends, and pets. Working as a travel nurse is going to require you to spend several months away from your home town. 

Carefully consider all the requirement and responsibilities expected from a travel nurse before you sign with a nursing agency. Qualities that a good travel nurse should embrace are a zest for adventure, a strong work ethic, confidence in their medical knowledge, and a gregarious personality. If you are a nurse with at least one year of experience working in a hospital and feel that you would make and excellent travel nurse start placing your application at agencies.

Marketing Bisnis Online

Carilah Metode Yang Tepat Untuk Memulai Karir Anda Di Bisnis Online

Jika anda ingin sukses sebagai seorang pebisnis online, kita memang harus mencari tempat belajar yang tepat dan juga seorang mentor yang sudah berpengalaman... yang mempunyai banyak bukti atas keberhasilannya.

Saya yakin anda sudah sering mendengar nama Rudy Setiawan, bukan? Ya, beliau adalah salah satu pebisnis online sukses di Indonesia, bahkan di dunia.

Dengan metode yang beliau miliki, sudah banyak para pelaku bisnis online di Indonesia sampai yang gaptek sekalipun meraih kesuksesan karena mengikuti metode yang beliau ajarkan.

Dan jika anda tertarik untuk mengikuti metode yang beliau ajarkan, berikut ini hanyalah sekelumit metode yang sudah dibuktikan oleh RIBUAN orang yang sudah lebih dulu mengikuti jejaknya...


Jika anda mengikuti semua metode yang ada dalam bisnis ini, saya yakin anda tidak akan menemukan kesulitan yang berarti.

Hal ini dikarenakan hampir semua metode yang ada dalam bisnis ini berjalan secara OTOMATIS melalui sistem yang beliau ciptakan, sehingga tidak diperlukan lagi kemampuan atau ketrampilan khusus yang seringkali membuat kita malas untuk melakukannya.

Bahkan ketika anda sedang tidur sekalipun, sistem ini akan tetap berjalan!

Kemudahan sebuah sistem dan metode yang ada dalam bisnis online memang menjadi salah satu kunci keberhasilan anda dalam menjalankannya.

* Memberikan Hasil Yang Maksimal

Dengan adanya metode dan sistem yang serba otomatis, tentunya hal ini akan sangat membantu anda untuk bisa meraih penghasilan tanpa batas.

Metode dan sistem yang ada dalam bisnis ini bisa anda dapatkan secara GRATIS, dan saat itu juga bisa langsung anda jalankan.

Dan dalam menjalankan bisnis ini kita biasa menganut prinsip berusaha seminimal mungkin untuk mendapatkan hasil yang semaksimal mungkin.

Banyak orang yang sudah bergabung begitu merasakan manfaat metode dan sistem tersebut, sehingga tidak sedikit dari mereka yang terus berusaha untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, bahkan sampai menjadikannya tumpuan hidup.

* Gamblang Dan Masuk Akal

Meskipun mampu memberikan hasil tanpa batas, namun semua metode dan sistem yang ada dalam bisnis ini dijelaskan dengan gamblang dan masuk akal... hal ini untuk menghindari spekulasi yang mungkin sering kita dengar mengenai bisnis online.

Semua metode dan sistem yang ada dalam peluang bisnis ini, tidak ada sedikitpun yang ditutup-tutupi... sehingga anda bisa mengetahui lebih banyak tentang metode yang ada, sistem bisnis yang dijalankan, jumlah penghasilan anda, dan masih banyak lagi yang bisa anda temukan didalamnya.

Ok, saya tertarik dengan bisnis ini... namun apa yang harus saya lakukan sekarang? Jika anda tertarik dan ingin merubah kualitas hidup anda, TEKAN disini untuk mendapatkan informasi yang selanjutnya.

Small Home-Based Businesses

-- Five Simple Steps to Success --

In Australia, 60% of small businesses fail within the first twelve months. For anyone wanting to start a small business -- maybe even work from home -- that statistic seems daunting. Don’t be discouraged! Read about five simple business principles that can help you to succeed.

Article Body:
Did you know that, in Australia, 60% of small businesses fail in the first twelve months? For those of us who would like to start a small business -- maybe even work from home -- that’s a very discouraging statistic.

Does that mean that your business idea is doomed to failure? Far from it! There are steps you can take that greatly increase your chances of success. With a little time and some serious research you can hit the ground running. Let’s start from the beginning…

The bright idea
First, of course, you need to come up with an idea. Typically, business opportunities can be divided into four groups:

1. Offering an existing product/service in an existing market.
2. Introducing an existing product/service to a new market.
3. Offering a new product/service in an existing market
4. Introducing a new product/service to a new market.

At this stage of the game the only limit is your imagination. Inspiration can come from anywhere -- maybe you have a hobby that you’d like to turn into a full-time job; you may be on the receiving end of bad service one day and decide to try doing it better yourself; or you may have a talent that you’d like to capitalise on.

Once you’ve come across something that you’d like to do, it’s time to take a look at the market and see what’s on offer.

Passing the test

So you’ve had a great idea and you’re keen to roll with it; now it’s time to put it through its paces. For the purpose of the exercise, let’s say that you have a passion for healthy living, and that you want to distribute a range of lifestyle accessories that promote healthy living with a do-it-yourself approach.

Ask around: Is there a market for products that promote healthy living? What sorts of products are available? Who would you be competing with and what do your competitors offer? Do you have the necessary skills to run such a business and -- more to the point -- what would those skills be? Where would your business be located?

Once you’ve answered those questions you should have a fairly clear picture of what your business will look like.

You source some products and decide to do some further research into the range of lifestyle products offered by a company called Vitality 4 Life. Your own life experience plus some work you’ve done as a dietician has given you the necessary skill sets, and you think that you’ll be able to work from home, giving you more time for family. There is an existing market, but there’s room for expansion. Now it’s time to take a closer look.

To be or not to be?

It’s time to get down to the nuts and bolts. You don’t want to jump into something feet first and find out the hard way that the budget just doesn’t work.

To get started, sit down and work out if you need to hire staff, which means paying wages.

If you lease a premises you’ll need to be able to pay the rent, and your location will have to be suitable for your business and target market (which also means that you’ll have to think carefully about just what that target market is). You’ll also need to work out the likely demand for your product/service.

Ok… you’ve worked out that there is enough demand for good quality juicers, sprouters, water filters and other high end accessories to take a shot at a distributorship as a home-based business opportunity. Now you need to make some marketing decisions.

Look at me! Look at me!

Advertising can be costly so you’ll want to be sure that your advertising budget is spent wisely. That means more market research, this time one-on-one. Profile your customer groups so you can aim your marketing at the right group/s of people.

Draw up a questionnaire (a short questionnaire -- people run out patience if you ramble for too long) and hang around outside a few of the local gyms (for our particular example). Come up with a mixture of open questions (What do you think of……..?) and closed questions (Do you have a gym membership? Yes/No.); sliding scales can be useful too.

For our health accessories business, a good question might be ‘How did you hear about this gym? Radio, tv, newspaper, word of mouth etc…’ Such a question would then give you an indication of the types of media that your target group responds best to.

Choose a business name, print up some business cards, buy some stock and get ready to trade!

Measure it, manage it!

A teacher of mine made the point that, in business, if you can’t measure it you can’t manage it.

You need to be able to plan ahead, and to do that you need to know -- or to be able to accurately predict -- your total sales. The equation is simple: number of customers x average sale x frequency of visits per customer per year = total sales. Remember it, revise it often, measure your business and you’ll be able to manage it! 

Keep an eye on your bottom line and, most importantly, always be aware of your cash flow -- the cold, hard cash that you have in the bank. Allow for invoice periods (14 days, 30 days etc) when you’re planning your budget.

The market place has a life of its own, and no one can prepare for every contingency. Put some thought into your idea; make sure that there’s a market for what you’re offering; research, research, research; promote your business effectively; always know what’s going on in your bank account and don’t forget about cash flow!

It’s not perfect but, if you follow these few simple steps, you’ll be miles ahead of many new small business ventures. If you’ve heard of a great home-based business opportunity, or have a product or service of your own to market, you’re off to a great start!

Why Indonesian Dating SIte Are Popular?

Peter Nisbet - EzineArticles Expert Author
Indonesian dating sites are popular, not only in Indonesia itself, and not just throughout Asia, but also throughout the entire world, particularly in the West. Why is this? What is it about these sites that make them so popular?
Analysis of those that use them indicate that while the majority are Asians seeking Asians, there is also a large proportion of western men using Indonesian dating sites to seek Asian women. Indonesian women are particularly attractive to western men, possibly because of their perceived good looks. However, it is likely that similar studies of Malaysian and other Asian dating sites will indicate a preference for women of the country in which the site originates generally because the majority of women available on the site live in that country.
Nevertheless, Indonesian sites are very popular because of the perception of Asian women in general as possessing great beauty and making ideal wives. Indonesian girls are very loving of their partners and regard their family as being the center of their world. They regard their husband and their family as being their main priority, but are also very intelligent. They are artistic and many are musical, but there is more to just all of that in the popularity of Indonesian dating sites.
Many Asian people tend to be shy when dealing with people of the opposite sex, just as many westerners are. It is much easier to meet a boy or girl using an online dating site than to go searching elsewhere. Bars are not the best place to meet future mates, and there are frequently few others places in this modern age. Schools and colleges are now where most people meet their future partners, and after that is the workplace, but what is there if you have left college and are yet to find a permanent job?
Asia is no different to Europe or America in that respect. In many instances, a dating site appears to be the ideal way for them to meet their future partners. They can communicate with other Indonesian men and women that have the same interests as they themselves have and spend time getting to know each other online.
Once the time appears right, they will arrange an offline meeting and in such cases many tend to use dating sites that focus on their own cities, such as using Jakarta dating sites rather than one that encompasses the whole of Indonesia. This is a huge country comprising thousands of islands, and it can be very inconvenient to be separated by several hundred miles from a prospective partner seeking a date! This is the reason why most young people living in Jakarta will use a Jakarta dating site.
However, irrespective of whether you are using a Jakarta dating site, an Indonesian site or even a general Asian dating site, it is not difficult to find somebody that has the same interests as you, has the same social and general educational background and also looks really good. Of course, it might be a bit more difficult to find someone like that that also feels the same way about you, but they are there to be found, and a dating site makes them easier to find than if you were searching for a suitable man or woman in the real world.
That is one of the major reasons why Indonesian dating sites are so popular. Another is the perceived beauty of Indonesian women by western men. There is something about the attractive shape of an Indonesian woman's face, her beautifully shaped and limpid eyes, her silky smooth and lightly colored skin and her beautiful lustrous hair that attracts most western men.
Many western men prefer the serenity and reserve of an Indonesian woman to the brashness and forwardness of western girls, and will prefer to use an Indonesian dating site to find a potential wife than try to seek one in their own country. Sometimes this is because of a misplaced belief in Asian women regarding men as being the center of their universe, but most realize their error before it is too late, and the majority are trying to find a girl for the right reasons.
These reasons are that they are seeking somebody they can love and cherish; somebody they can share their life with and that they can live comfortably with, without the hassle and stress that many types of western women can give them. Indonesian wives are renowned for their devotion but also for their intelligence and great beauty, and what more could a man want from his wife that a beautiful women, as devoted to him as he is to her, and that can help to run both his business and his family?
Indonesian dating sites are the ideal platforms on which to find your ideal partner, but always make sure you know how to use them and how to stay safe.

Peter normally has his new websites listed on Google, Yahoo and MSN within two days, and consistently gets high search engine listings. His website Improved Search Engine Rank offers to show you how exactly how he does it, including how Page Rank and SEO can be used together to achieve the highest listings for your keyword.

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Adsense Asli Indonesia

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